Vortex V4 (M6), Doc. V4.00
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Rotor Gain
Mid-Stick Agility
Collective Boost
Pitch Up Compensation
Elevator Pre-compensation
Cyclic Response
Cyclic Symmetry
Cyclic Decay
Cyclic Exponential
Cyclic Deadband
Pitch Curve
Pitch Curve - With some radio systems it is possible to fly all your Vortex equipped models using the same transmitter program. Keep the curves of the radio system linear and adjust the equivalent curve of the Vortex to tune each model individually. The curves of the Vortex are linear by default and thus they will not interfere with the curves of the radio system if you chose to continue using them. It is advisable to avoid using the Vortex and radio system curves at the same time as the end result can be difficult to predict. Currently curve adjustment is only possible using a DataPod.
Advanced PID Tuning